
City of Leary, Texas

7:00 P.M.

      February 05, 2024

9530 W. New Boston Rd., Leary, Texas


  I.                Public comments.

II.                Review and approve minutes from the previous meeting.

III.             Present financial report.

IV.            Approve and pay all current invoices.

V.               Update on water tower project.

VI.            Discuss and vote on continuing lease on copier/scanner or purchasing a new unit.

VII.         Adjourn.











City of Leary, Texas

7:00 P.M.

      January 08, 2024

9530 W. New Boston Rd., Leary, Texas

I.                   Public comments.

II.                Review and approve minutes from the previous meeting.

III.             Present financial report.

IV.            Approve and pay all current invoices.

V.               Update on water tower project.

VI.            Discuss and vote on appointing Ronald Winters as City Secretary.

VII.         Discuss and vote on continuing lease on copier/scanner or purchasing a new unit.

VIII.      Adjourn.









City of Leary, Texas

7:00 P.M.

      December 04, 2023

9530 W. New Boston Rd., Leary, Texas


I.                   Public comments.

II.                Review and approve minutes from the previous meeting.

III.             Present financial report.

IV.            Approve and pay all current invoices.

V.               Update on water tower project.

VI.            Adjourn.





City of Leary, Texas

7:00 P.M.

      November 13, 2023

9530 W. New Boston Rd., Leary, Texas


I.                   Public comments.

II.                Review and approve minutes from the previous meeting.

III.             Present financial report.

IV.            Approve and pay all current invoices.

V.               Consider and act on rate increase from the City of Texarkana, TX to the City of Leary on water and sewer services


VII.         Update on water tower project.

VIII.      Adjourn.




City of Leary, Texas

7:00 P.M.

      October 02, 2023

9530 W. New Boston Rd., Leary, Texas

I.                   Public comments.

II.                Review and approve minutes from the previous meeting.

III.             Present financial report.

IV.            Approve and pay all current invoices.

V.               Consider and act on a Municipal Maintenance Resolution # 10-02-2023, allowing TxDot to continue maintenance of highways within the city limits.

VI.            Discuss and vote on entering into a ACH Deposit agreement with Texas Trust Opioid Abatement Fund.

VII.         Discuss and vote on water/ sewer rate increase.

VIII.      Discuss and vote on water line repair on Barkman Creek Rd.

IX.            Update on water tower project.

X.               Adjourn.



City of Leary, Texas

7:00 P.M.

      September 11, 2023

9530 W. New Boston Rd.,

Leary, Texas


  I.                 Public comments.

II.                Review and approve minutes from the previous meeting.

III.             Present financial report.

IV.            Approve and pay all current invoices.

V.               Consider and act on a resolution granting the Mayor signatory authority on all matters pertaining to the funding and construction of the water tower project.

VI.            Consider and act on a resolution directing publication of notice of intention to issue combination tax and revenue certificates of obligation.

VII.         Discuss and vote on the proposed tax rate for the City of Leary, Texas for 2023 tax year. The proposed rate is $0.050588 per $100.00 of valuation. This would result in a 4.01% increase.

VIII.      Update on water tower project.

IX.            Adjourn.







City of Leary, Texas

7:00 P.M.

     August 7, 2023

9530 W. New Boston Rd.,

Leary, Texas

I.                   Public comments.

II.                Review and approve minutes from the previous meeting.

III.             Present financial report.

IV.            Approve and pay all current invoices.

V.               Discuss and vote on investment policy.

VI.            Discuss and Vote on FY 24 budget.

VII.         Discuss and vote on 2023 tax rate.

VIII.      Update on water tower project.

IX.            Adjourn.



City of Leary, Texas

7:00 P.M.

      July 17, 2023

9530 W. New Boston Rd.,

Leary, Texas


  I.       Public comments.

II.   Review and vote on acceptance of apparent low bidder for construction of a 100,000 gallon elevated water storage tank, from Maguire Iron in the amount of $1,257,000.00. Acceptance by the City will be contingent upon additional funding by USDA.

III.             Adjourn.




City of Leary, Texas

7:00 P.M.

      July 3, 2023

9530 W. New Boston Rd.,

Leary, Texas


I.                   Public comments.

II.                Review and approve minutes from the previous meeting.

III.             Present financial report.

IV.            Approve and pay all current invoices.

V.               Update on water tower project.

VI.            Adjourn.



City of Leary, Texas

7:00 P.M.

      June 05, 2023

9530 W. New Boston Rd., Leary, Texas

I.                   Public comments.

II.                Review and approve minutes from the previous meeting.

III.             Present financial report.

IV.            Approve and pay all current invoices.

V.               Discuss and vote on stocking parts for the cities generators.

VI.            Update on water tower project.

VII.         Adjourn.



City of Leary, Texas

7:00 P.M.

      May 01, 2023

9530 W. New Boston Rd., Leary, Texas

I.                   Public comments.

II.                Review and approve minutes from the previous meeting.

III.             Present financial report.

IV.            Approve and pay all current invoices.

V.               Consider an ordinance authorizing the issuance and sale of City of Leary, Texas, Combination Tax and Revenue Certificates of Obligation, Taxable Series 2023; levying an annual ad valorem tax and providing for the security for  and payment of said certificates; providing and effective date; and enacting other provisions relating to the subject.

VI.            Review, discuss and vote on Request for Qualifications for engineering services.

VII.         Discuss rate increase for the Leary water and sewer system.

VIII.      Adjourn.



City of Leary, Texas

7:00 P.M.

      April 03, 2023

9530 W. New Boston Rd., Leary, Texas

I.                   Public comments.

II.                Review and approve minutes from the previous meeting.

III.             Present financial report.

IV.            Approve and pay all current invoices.

V.               Consider and act on an ordinance authorizing the issuance of Certificates of Obligation.

VI.            Consider and act on the adoption of the Loan Resolution USDA form 1780-27 in the amount of ($826,000.00), Eight Hundred Twenty Six Thousand Dollars.

VII.         Review and approve the FY 22 Audit from Wilf & Henderson.

VIII.      Discuss rate increase for the Leary water and sewer system.

IX.            Adjourn.



City of Leary, Texas

7:00 P.M.

      March 06, 2023

9530 W. New Boston Rd., Leary, Texas

I.                   Public comments.

II.                Review and approve minutes from the previous meeting.

III.             Present financial report.

IV.            Approve and pay all current invoices.

V.               Discuss rate increase for Leary water and sewer system.

VI.            Adjourn.



City of Leary, Texas

7:00 P.M.

February 06, 2023

9530 W. New Boston Rd., Leary, Texas 

I.                   Public comments.

II.                Review and approve minutes from the previous meeting.

III.             Present financial report.

IV.            Approve and pay all current invoices.

V.               Consider and act on a resolution directing publication of notice of intention to issue combination tax and revenue certificates of obligation.

VI.            Discuss rate increase for Leary water and sewer system.

VII.         Adjourn.



City of Leary, Texas

7:00 P.M.

January 02, 2023

9530 W. New Boston Rd., Leary, Texas 

I.                   Public comments.

II.                Review and approve minutes from the previous meeting.

III.             Present financial report.

IV.            Approve and pay all current invoices.

V.               Discuss and vote on new Water & Sewer contracts with Texarkana Water Utilities.

VI.            Discuss and vote on Resolution Number 01-02-2023 appointing Mr. Van Alexander as the representative for the city to Riverbend board of directors.

VII.         Discuss and vote on Ordinance authorizing issuance of Certificates of Obligation for construction of overhead storage water tower.

VIII.      Discuss rate increase for Leary water and sewer system.

IX.            Adjourn.



City of Leary, Texas

7:00 P.M.

December 05, 2022

9530 W. New Boston Rd., Leary, Texas 

I.                   Public comments.

II.                Review and approve minutes from the previous meeting.

III.             Present financial report.

IV.            Approve and pay all current invoices.

V.               Discuss and vote on usage of Covid Relief funds to purchase sewer pumps.

VI.            Discuss rate increase for Leary water and sewer system.

VII.         Adjourn.



City of Leary, Texas

7:00 P.M.

November 14, 2022

9530 W. New Boston Rd., Leary, Texas 

I.                   Public comments.

II.                Review and approve minutes from the previous meeting.

III.             Present financial report.

IV.            Approve and pay all current invoices.

V.               Discuss and vote on a proposal to increase water and sewer rates, due to a price increase by Texarkana Water Utilities on wholesale water and sewer treatment.

VI.            Adjourn.



City of Leary, Texas

7:00 P.M.

October 03, 2022

9530 W. New Boston Rd., Leary, Texas


  I.                   Public comments.

II.                Review and approve minutes from the previous meeting.

III.             Present financial report.

IV.            Approve and pay all current invoices.

V.               Discuss and vote on agreement for Leary City Hall to be the voting location for Voting Center No. 19.

VI.            Adjourn.



City of Leary, Texas

7:00 P.M.

September 12, 2022

9530 W. New Boston Rd., Leary, Texas


  I.                   Public comments.

II.                Review and approve minutes from the previous meeting.

III.             Present financial report.

IV.            Approve and pay all current invoices.

V.               Discuss and vote on the proposed tax rate for the City of Leary for the 2022 tax year. The proposed rate $0.042129 per $100 of value. The proposed rate would increase the total taxes in the City of Leary by 4.98%.

VI.            Discuss and vote on renewal of the franchise agreement with Centerpoint Energy.

VII.         Adjourn. 



City of Leary, Texas

7:00 P.M.

August 01, 2022

9530 W. New Boston Rd., Leary, Texas

I.                   Public comments.

II.                Review and approve minutes from the previous meeting.

III.             Present financial report.

IV.            Approve and pay all current invoices.

V.               Discuss and vote on proposal by HP Investments to replat the property where Dollar General will be developed.

VI.            Adjourn.



City of Leary, Texas

7:00 P.M.

July 11, 2022

9530 W. New Boston Rd., Leary, Texas

 I.                   Public comments.

II.                Review and approve minutes from the previous meeting.

III.             Present financial report.

IV.            Approve and pay all current invoices.

V.               Discuss and vote on proposal to clear a blind corner at the intersection of Barkman Creek Rd & Shiloh Rd.

VI.            Discuss and vote on acceptance of the engagement letter from Wilf & Henderson to begin the FY 2022 audit.

VII.         Discuss and vote on proposal from TML Risk Pool to add workman’s compensation and/or Law enforcement extended liability or both.

VIII.      Discuss and vote on hiring Ronald Winters as a contract employee to begin training for the City Administrator’s position.

IX.            Discuss and vote on the City of Leary’s Investment Policy.

X.               Adjourn.







City of Leary, Texas

7:00 P.M.

June 06, 2022

9530 W. New Boston Rd., Leary, Texas


 I.                   Public comments.

II.                Review and approve minutes from the previous meeting.

III.             Present financial report.

IV.            Approve and pay all current invoices.

V.               Discuss and vote on Resolution number 06-06-2022 to abandon and dissolve the nonexistent roads, alleys as platted by Barkman and Jordan’s addition, dated January 3, 1920. This action will revert any lands currently described as lots and blocks, back to metes and bounds.

VI.            Discuss and vote on approving repairs for North Manning Street.

VII.         Discuss and vote on implementing the provision to freeze taxes on property in the Leary city limits for persons 65 and older.

VIII.      Discuss and vote on FY 2023 Budgets for general fund and water/sewer.

IX.            Adjourn.







City of Leary, Texas

7:00 P.M.

May 02, 2022

9530 W. New Boston Rd., Leary, Texas


I.                   Public comments.

II.                Review and approve minutes from the previous meeting.

III.             Present financial report.

IV.            Approve and pay all current invoices.

V.             Discuss and vote on abandoning Right of Way for Odom Street West of Texas Highway Spur 74.

VI.            Adjourn.







City of Leary, Texas

7:00 P.M.

April 04, 2022

9530 W. New Boston Rd., Leary, Texas


I.                   Public comments.

II.                Review and approve minutes from the previous meeting.

III.             Present financial report.

IV.            Approve and pay all current invoices.

V.               Discuss and vote if necessary on developing a plan for interim and long range sewer services in Leary.

VI.            Discuss plans to replace Randy Mansfield as city administrator.

VII.         Adjourn.







City of Leary, Texas

7:00 P.M.

March 07, 2022

9530 W. New Boston Rd., Leary, Texas






I.                   Public comments.

II.                Review and approve minutes from the previous meeting.

III.             Present financial report.

IV.            Approve and pay all current invoices.

V.               Discuss and vote on upgrading alarm system to cellular.

VI.            Update on sewer lift station repairs and vote on authority for City Administrator to pay the contractor upon completion.

VII.         Adjourn.




February 07, 2022

7:00 P.M. | 9530 W. New Boston Rd., Leary, Texas

  1. Public comments

  2. Review and approve minutes from the previous meeting.

  3. Present financial report.

  4. Approve and pay all current invoices

  5. Discuss upcoming Bond payments for Water and Sewer systems.

  6. Adjourn.


January 03, 2022

7:00 P.M. | 9530 W. New Boston Rd., Leary, Texas

  1. Public comments

  2. Review and approve minutes from the previous meeting.

  3. Present financial report.

  4. Approve and pay all current invoices

  5. Discuss and vote on finalizing the contract with CRM Resources and continuing services with Randy Mansfield individually

  6. Adjourn.


December 06, 2021

7:00 P.M. | 9530 W. New Boston Rd., Leary, Texas

  1. Public comments

  2. Review and approve minutes from the previous meeting.

  3. Present financial report.

  4. Approve and pay all current invoices

  5. Adjourn.


November 01, 2021

7:00 P.M. | 9530 W. New Boston Rd., Leary, Texas

  1. Public comments

  2. Review and approve minutes from the previous meeting.

  3. Present financial report.

  4. Approve and pay all current invoices

  5. Discuss lift station improvements and use of Covid relief funds to pay for these repairs..

  6. Update on water tower project.

  7. Update on the signage at the Exxon-Burger King.

  8. Adjourn.


October 04, 2021

7:00 P.M. | 9530 W. New Boston Rd., Leary, Texas

  1. Public comments

  2. Review and approve minutes from the previous meeting.

  3. Present financial report.

  4. Approve and pay all current invoices

  5. Discuss and vote on removal of Joyce Hegler from the city council per section 22.041 of the Local Government Code. Mrs. Hegler has missed more than 3 meetings without requesting leave.

  6. Discuss and vote on appointing Mr. Jeff Cowgill to serve the remainder of Mrs. Hegler’s term, per section 22.010.

  7. Update on the grant application for street repairs.

  8. Discuss and vote on the signage at the Exxon-Burger King.

  9. Adjourn.


September 13, 2021

7:00 P.M. | 9530 W. New Boston Rd., Leary, Texas

  1. Public comments

  2. Review and approve minutes from the previous meeting.

  3. Present financial report.

  4. Approve and pay all current invoices

  5. Discuss and vote on adoption of the tax rate of $0.043993 per $100.00 of value. This will increase taxes by 3.5%.

  6. Discuss and vote on using Wilf and Henderson CPA’s for the 2021 FY City Audit.

  7. Adjourn.


August 02, 2021

7:00 P.M. | 9530 W. New Boston Rd., Leary, Texas

  1. Public comments

  2. Review and approve minutes from the previous meeting.

  3. Present financial report.

  4. Approve and pay all current invoices

  5. Discuss and vote on paying off the loan to NETEDD

  6. Discuss and set a date for a public hearing on 2021 Tax Rate.

  7. Adjourn.


July 5, 2021

7:00 P.M. | 9530 W. New Boston Rd., Leary, Texas

  1. Public comments

  2. Review and approve minutes from the previous meeting.

  3. Present financial report.

  4. Approve and pay all current invoices

  5. Adjourn.


June 7, 2021

7:00 P.M. | 9530 W. New Boston Rd., Leary, Texas

  1. Public comments

  2. Review and approve minutes from the previous meeting.

  3. Present financial report.

  4. Approve and pay all current invoices

  5. Discuss American Rescue Funding.

  6. Adjourn.


May 3, 2021

7:00 P.M. | 9530 W. New Boston Rd., Leary, Texas

  1. Public comments.

  2. Review and approve minutes from the previous meeting.

  3. Present financial report.

  4. Approve and pay all current invoices.

  5. Discuss and vote on Adcock Lawn Service Contract.

  6. Consider and act on retaining McCall Parkhurst & Horton as bond counsel in connection with a USDA project loan.

  7. Adjourn.

April 5, 2021

7:00 P.M. | 9530 W. New Boston Rd., Leary, Texas

  1. Public comments.

  2. Review and approve minutes from the previous meeting.

  3. Present financial report.

  4. Approve and pay all current invoices.

  5. Discuss, consider and approve the adoption of a resolution that authorizes submission of an application to the Texas Department of Agriculture for a 2021-2022 Texas Community Development Block Grant Program – Community Development Fund grant of up to $350,000.00 for Street improvements and designates the Mayor as the City’s authorized signatory.

  6. Approval of the City Leary Citizens Participation Plan for the Texas Department of Agriculture (TDA) Community Development Block Grant Program.

  7. Discuss and vote on acceptance of USDA letter of conditions for the construction of a 100,000 gallon overhead water storage tank.

  8. Adjourn.

March 1, 2021

7:00 P.M. | 9530 W. New Boston Rd., Leary, Texas

  1. Public comments.

  2. Review and approve minutes from the previous meeting.

  3. Present financial report.

  4. Approve and pay all current invoices.

  5. Discuss and vote on appointment of Nancy Rose to City Secretary.

  6. Discuss and vote on Investment Policy for FY 2021.

  7. Adjourn.

February 1, 2021

7:00 P.M. | 9530 W. New Boston Rd., Leary, Texas

  1. Public comments.

  2. Review and approve minutes from the previous meeting.

  3. Present financial report.

  4. Approve and pay all current invoices.

  5. Discuss and vote on a resolution authorizing the award of professional service provider contract for the 2021-2022 Texas Community Development Block Grant Community Development Fund.

  6. Adjourn.

January 4, 2021

7:00 P.M. | 9530 W. New Boston Rd., Leary, Texas

  1. Public comments.

  2. Review and approve minutes from the previous meeting.

  3. Present financial report.

  4. Approve and pay all current invoices.

  5. Adjourn.

December 7, 2020

7:00 P.M. | 9530 W. New Boston Rd., Leary, Texas

  1. Public comments.

  2. Review and approve minutes from the previous meeting.

  3. Present financial report.

  4. Approve and pay all current invoices.

  5. Discuss/Approve resolution designating administration service provider for the 2021-2022 TxCDBG Community Development Fund application and project implementation, administered by the Texas Department of Agriculture.

  6. Adjourn.

November 16, 2020

7:00 P.M. | 9530 W. New Boston Rd., Leary, Texas

  1. Public comments.

  2. Review and approve (aka) canvass the election results in the election to allow beer and wine sales in the City of Leary, Texas.

  3. Adjourn.

November 2, 2020

7:00 P.M. | 9530 W. New Boston Rd., Leary, Texas

  1. Public comments.

  2. Review and approve minutes from the previous meeting.

  3. Present financial report.

  4. Approve and pay all current invoices.

  5. Update and discuss water tower project.

  6. Adjourn.

October 4, 2020

7:00 P.M. | 9530 W. New Boston Rd., Leary, Texas

  1. Public comments.

  2. Review and approve minutes from the previous meeting.

  3. Present financial report.

  4. Approve and pay all current invoices.

  5. Update on requests for proposals (RFP) for administrative services and requests for qualifications (RFQs) for engineering services related to the 2021-2022 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program administered by the Texas Department of Agriculture (TDA).

  6. Sign and accept the Tax Roll for the 2020 tax year.

  7. Discuss the City website proposal.

  8. Adjourn.

September 14, 2020

7:00 P.M. | 9530 W. New Boston Rd., Leary, Texas

  1. Public comments.

  2. Review and approve minutes from the previous meeting.

  3. Present financial report.

  4. Approve and pay all current invoices.

  5. Discuss and vote on authorization to issue requests for proposals (RFP) for administrative services and requests for qualifications (RFQs) for engineering services related to the 2021-2022 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program administered by the Texas Department of Agriculture (TDA).

  6. Discuss and vote on adoption of a city tax rate of 0.0446 cents per $100.00 of valuation for the 2020 tax year.

  7. Discuss and vote on an agreement with Mrs. Haley Hill for website services.

  8. Adjourn.

August 3, 2020

7:00 P.M. | 9530 W. New Boston Rd., Leary, Texas

  1. Public comments.

  2. Review and approve minutes from the previous meeting.

  3. Present financial report.

  4. Approve and pay all current invoices.

  5. Sign new signature cards for checking accounts, safety deposit box.

  6. Discuss and vote on Resolution # 08-03-20 adopting the current NFPA 1 Fire Code and NFPA Life Safety Code 101

  7. Discuss and vote on an acceptance of an Interlocal Agreement for a Joint Election, with the Bowie County, and granting The City Administrator signature authority to enter into said agreement.

  8. Adjourn.

July 6, 2020

7:00 P.M. | 9530 W. New Boston Rd., Leary, Texas

  1. Public comments.

  2. Review and approve minutes from the previous meeting.

  3. Present financial report.

  4. Approve and pay all current invoices.

  5. Discuss new signature cards for checking accounts.

  6. Sign Riverbend contract

  7. Adjourn.